Donate to ALIG

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Why give?


ALIG, the only association in Luxembourg mobilized against celiac disease recognized as being of public utility, approved by the Ministry of Health to represent the sick.
Giving means having the means to act on all fronts, being attentive, giving support, developing communication and lobbying for quality gluten-free products.

The ALIG's accounts are checked every year on the use of its resources by the Ministry of Health. Then we justify our accounts at the annual general meeting

There are several ways to make a donation to ALIG

Donate with your credit card or an account through the secure PayPal platform.

Make a donation through your Luxembourg mobile application Digicash / Payconiq.

ALIG donation

Donate by bank transfer on the ALIG account

IBAN account:
BILLLULL LU95 0022 1258 0095 6900